Download Distemper – Ska Punk Moscow / Rockets From Russia (2020) CD Album Megaupload

Information about this music album download:

Music Album: Ska Punk Moscow / Rockets From Russia

Album Release Date:

Music Genre: Punk Rock Ska

Record Label: An'na Nadel Records

Album Release Country: Germany

Music Record Type: 13 Tracks CD Album

Distemper is a Russian Ska-Punk band founded 1989 in Moscow. They were the first known ska band from Russia. They released 16 studio albums, two split albums and one live album.

13 Tracks
1 Вино На Пиво • Beef After Wine
2 Старый Новый День • The New Old Day
3 Когда Я Куплю Себе Пистолет • When I Buy Myself A Gun
4 Кончились Наркотики • Drugs Are Over
5 Улыбайся (Это Раздражает Всех) • Grinz (That's Annoying Everyone
6 День Рождения • Birthday
7 Прочь Из Этих Мест • Far Away From Here
8 Луна • The Moon
9 Выходной • Day Off
10 Мечта • The Dream
11 Причина Для Ненавести • Reason For Hate
12 В Зеркалах Моей Надежды • The Mirrors Of My Hope
13 Если Ребят Объединить • If The Kids Are United

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